Can Vaping Help Quit Smoking?

Comparing vaping to standard nicotine replacement therapy such as patches and gum.

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Is Vaping Safer than Smoking?

Is Vaping Safer than Smoking?

Vaping is not risk-free, but most scientists agree that it is far safer than smoking. According to the UK Royal College of Physicians report in 2016: ‘the hazard to health arising from long-term vapour inhalation from the e-cigarettes available today is unlikely to exceed 5% of the harm from smoking tobacco’ There is still some

How Many Chemicals Are There in Cigarette Tobacco?

How Many Chemicals Are There in Cigarette Tobacco?

Cigarette Smoke: To date, 7,000 chemical compounds have been identified in cigarette smoke, including about 250 harmful and 69 carcinogenic chemicals.

Latest Laws for Nicotine Vaping in Australia

Latest Laws for Nicotine Vaping in Australia

Recently there has been debate regarding the regulation of nicotine e-cigarettes, or vapes, following the announcement of regulatory changes to the sale and use of nicotine containing vapes/e-cigarettes.

12 Tips To Help You Quit

12 Tips To Help You Quit

Quitting smoking is tough. Create a plan that works for you to help you get smoke free.

Can Vaping Help Quit Smoking?

Can Vaping Help Quit Smoking?

How well does vaping work to help smokers quit? This was one of the topics hotly debated (at length) at the recent Tobacco Harm Reduction Senate Inquiry. For anyone who tuned in online to the Senate Inquiry (we don’t blame you if you didn’t!), it may have been quite confusing to interpret, with conflicting opinions

Traveling to Australia? What you need to know about bringing nicotine vapes to Australia

Traveling to Australia? What you need to know about bringing nicotine vapes to Australia

Australia is world famous for its unique beaches and animals that inhabit the country, but it has some very unique vaping and tobacco laws too!

Vaping Laws – Prescriptions, Legal Age & Legislation

Vaping Laws – Prescriptions, Legal Age & Legislation

Australia has unique nicotine vaping laws that you need to be aware of if you are considering using e-cigarettes or vapes as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. There are an estimated 500,000 vapers in Australia, many of whom are unaware of these laws.  While in most countries nicotine e-cigarettes are regulated as consumer products, in

The pros and cons of smoking cigarettes versus vaping and other methods?

The pros and cons of smoking cigarettes versus vaping and other methods?

Are nicotine and tobacco the same thing? Tobacco is the common name for the herb Nicotiana tabacum. The tobacco plant makes the poisonous chemical nicotine as a natural defence mechanism to stop insects from eating it. Nicotine also exhibits dose-dependent effects on humans and other animals. Tobacco has been used in the early Americas for

How to Access A Nicotine Vaping Prescription

How to Access A Nicotine Vaping Prescription

Since October 2021 Australia has introduced some of the tightest rules around vaping in the world. These focus on vaping products only being available to people with a genuine desire to stop smoking, and not for recreational use. At the heart of the rules is the need for a prescription from a clinician to legally

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Quit Clinics

5% by 2025


At Quit Clinics we believe that there is no more pressing health issue currently facing Australia than reducing smoking rates.


Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in Australia, killing more than 20,000 Australians each year. Smoking disproportionally affects lower income, rural, and indigenous Australians.


The National Health Agreement set a target of less than 10% of adults being daily smokers by 2018, a target that sadly wasn’t met. This target has been extended by The Minister for Health to 2025.


At Quit Clinics, we believe this target can be achieved and ought to more ambitious. That is why Quit Clinics has independently reset this target to 5% Australian smokers by 2025. By employing an evidence-based harm minimisation strategy, with ongoing medical support, we believe this ambitious target can be achieved.


All Quit Clinics staff are non-judgemental and supportive. We believe that most smokers want to quit, and will be able to quit smoking if provided with the right support.


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