Can Vaping Help Quit Smoking?

Comparing vaping to standard nicotine replacement therapy such as patches and gum.

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Change for the Better – The Benefits & Health Effects of Quitting Smoking

Change for the Better – The Benefits & Health Effects of Quitting Smoking

For decades, the slew of negative health effects of smoking has been widely documented, and yet it continues to hold an enormous grip on our society. Smoking actually remains the leading preventable cause of death in Australia, claiming the lives of approximately 24,000 people each year.   There are a variety of factors that prolong the

5 Statistics That Will Make you Reconsider Smoking

5 Statistics That Will Make you Reconsider Smoking

It’s no longer breaking news – smoking is terrible for our health. Across the world, 10% of all deaths are related to smoking-related conditions. Tobacco smoking is, in fact, our nation’s leading preventable cause of death, claiming the lives of approximately 24,000 Australians every year due to related cancers, heart diseases and strokes. It also

The Real Cost of Cigarettes – How you can save your health and your money

The Real Cost of Cigarettes – How you can save your health and your money

How Much Can You Save By Not Smoking Cigarettes? When people mention the costs of smoking, the conversation typically revolves around the widespread negative health effects it can cause. But how often do we stop to consider the impact it does on our bank accounts, or how much money you can really save by not

Busting the myths about nicotine – Dr. Colin Mendelsohn weighs in

Busting the myths about nicotine – Dr. Colin Mendelsohn weighs in

Nicotine is one of the most misunderstood chemicals on the planet. It is the most well-known chemical in tobacco smoke and many people incorrectly believe it is the main cause of the death and illness from smoking as well. Even doctors are confused. Nicotine is habit-forming but is otherwise relatively benign and has some positive

How to Gradually Quit Smoking – Tips & timeline to help you quit for good

How to Gradually Quit Smoking – Tips & timeline to help you quit for good

The Best Way to Quit Smoking Gradually on a Schedule Smoking is a habit that introduces a range of negative impacts into not only the lives of smokers, but also those around them. We learn this either from the adverse effects advertised on the products we buy, educational material spread throughout popular media channels, or

Passive & Second Hand Smoking Myths & Truths

Passive & Second Hand Smoking Myths & Truths

What is passive smoking and is it harmful? Tobacco smoking continues to ravage the Australian and global population. Despite decades of campaigning and education around its dangers, smoking continues to be the nation’s highest cause of preventable death, and is responsible for taking the lives of over 24,000 Australians every year. When we look beyond

Pros and Cons – How to quit smoking cold turkey

Pros and Cons – How to quit smoking cold turkey

Looking to Learn How to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey? For several generations now, we have known that smoking causes serious long-term health effects. Without corrective lifestyle changes, they can often prove fatal. Studies suggest that over 7 million people will lose their lives directly from smoking-related illnesses every year, with 24,000 of those being Australian

Vape and Nicotine Management

Vape and Nicotine Management

Since their introduction to the wider market in the early 2000s, vaping and e-cigarette products have consistently climbed as a popular method of consuming nicotine, given the ability to inhale the chemical in a vapour, rather than from the smoke after burning tobacco in a cigarette.  It’s fair to say that vaping is big business.

What is the difference between smoking and vaping

What is the difference between smoking and vaping

Smoking is a practice that has existed for thousands of years, first reserved for religious ceremonies and events in ancient civilisations, before more recently being commercialized and used recreationally. As cigarettes first became mass-produced in the 1800s, advertising campaigns were rampant and spread popularity for smoking throughout the world, with manufacturers encouraged to conjure formulas

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Quit Clinics

5% by 2025


At Quit Clinics we believe that there is no more pressing health issue currently facing Australia than reducing smoking rates.


Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in Australia, killing more than 20,000 Australians each year. Smoking disproportionally affects lower income, rural, and indigenous Australians.


The National Health Agreement set a target of less than 10% of adults being daily smokers by 2018, a target that sadly wasn’t met. This target has been extended by The Minister for Health to 2025.


At Quit Clinics, we believe this target can be achieved and ought to more ambitious. That is why Quit Clinics has independently reset this target to 5% Australian smokers by 2025. By employing an evidence-based harm minimisation strategy, with ongoing medical support, we believe this ambitious target can be achieved.


All Quit Clinics staff are non-judgemental and supportive. We believe that most smokers want to quit, and will be able to quit smoking if provided with the right support.


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