Can Vaping Help Quit Smoking?

Comparing vaping to standard nicotine replacement therapy such as patches and gum.

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How To Quit Vaping

How To Quit Vaping

Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in Australia, killing more than 20,000 Aussies every year. Quit Clinics primary mission has always been to help smokers quit. All Quit Clinics doctors are Authorised Prescribers of Nicotine, and all have a passion for helping smokers quit. Quit Clinics is also focussed on not only helping

What are the Common symptoms/issues smokers have

What are the Common symptoms/issues smokers have

It is commonly known that smoking cigarettes damages the lungs, but do you know what issues that damage causes for long term smokers? Here we will go through not only how cigarettes affect the lungs, but how they affect other parts of the body too. What smoking does to your lungs Tobacco smoke is not

Risks of illegal and fake vaping products

Risks of illegal and fake vaping products

Vaping laws and regulations As the laws and regulations surrounding nicotine products have changed over the last few years, so have the products that are being imported into the country and sold illegally. In this article, we will take a look at the rule changes, how some products seem to have changed in response to

Latest Recreational Vaping Ban – What We Know So Far

Latest Recreational Vaping Ban – What We Know So Far

What are the current regulations? Australia has had some of the strictest rules and regulations around nicotine vaping since their introduction in October 2021. Prior to the rule changes regarding nicotine vaping in Australia on October 1st, 2021, there were an estimated 500,000 vapers in the country . At this time, it was illegal to

Disposable Vape Devices: The Environmental Risks You Need to Know

Disposable Vape Devices: The Environmental Risks You Need to Know

What are disposable vapes? Disposable vapes are exactly what the name implies, a disposable e-cigarette. They are pre-filled and battery powered e-cigarettes, ready for immediate use, and designed to be thrown away afterwards. This is in contrast to refillable or pod device e-cigarettes, where parts of the product including the liquid, vape pods, coils etc

The Nordic Nicotine Habit: Your Ultimate Guide to Nicotine Pouches

The Nordic Nicotine Habit: Your Ultimate Guide to Nicotine Pouches

The Nordic Nicotine Habit: Nicotine Pouches A nicotine pouch is a small bag containing powdered nicotine, along with a number of other ingredients. They are used by placing the pouch between the gum and the lip for up to an hour, where nicotine is then absorbed. They give the user a similar sensation to that

Big Vape: The Rise and Fall of Juul – A Doctor’s Perspective

Big Vape: The Rise and Fall of Juul – A Doctor’s Perspective

With the “Big Vape” documentary streaming on Netflix, we wanted to walk through some of the key topics in the 4 part series and see whether some of these themes are relevant to us here in Australia. Our regulations differ from the United States where JUUL is based, but there are still some scientific learnings

Disposable Vape Ban Announced in Australia from 2024

Disposable Vape Ban Announced in Australia from 2024

As of 28th Nov 2023, the Australian government has announced changes to vaping laws that will be gradually introduced throughout 2024. The changes, announced by Mark Butler, the Minister for Health and Aged Care, are designed to protect young people by reducing access to black-market disposable vapes. While these laws are targeting youth vaping, half

What Is the Link Between Mental Health and Smoking?

What Is the Link Between Mental Health and Smoking?

The numbers don’t lie, there is a clear link between smoking and mental health, with 30% of smokers having a mental health condition. But is that link because smoking increases an individual’s chance of developing a mental health illness, or do people at a higher risk of mental health illnesses have a greater propensity to

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Quit Clinics

5% by 2025


At Quit Clinics we believe that there is no more pressing health issue currently facing Australia than reducing smoking rates.


Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in Australia, killing more than 20,000 Australians each year. Smoking disproportionally affects lower income, rural, and indigenous Australians.


The National Health Agreement set a target of less than 10% of adults being daily smokers by 2018, a target that sadly wasn’t met. This target has been extended by The Minister for Health to 2025.


At Quit Clinics, we believe this target can be achieved and ought to more ambitious. That is why Quit Clinics has independently reset this target to 5% Australian smokers by 2025. By employing an evidence-based harm minimisation strategy, with ongoing medical support, we believe this ambitious target can be achieved.


All Quit Clinics staff are non-judgemental and supportive. We believe that most smokers want to quit, and will be able to quit smoking if provided with the right support.


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